Finding Inspiration in Every Turn!
Suriana Welfare Society is at the forefront of pioneering outstanding service and contribution to the community.

Since 2019
Desa Mentari
Since 2023
Taman Desaria
Kg. Muhibbah
Since 2024
56 students
42 students
15 students

150 Single Mothers and Women

2,500 Families
impacted through initiatives that have uplifted their livelihood
25,000 Families
received food aid during the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 to recent
1,850 Families
received food aid during the recent floods across the
Klang Valley
420 Families
specifically received food aid
empowered to become sole breadwinners
100 Mothers
pursued crafting projects as income generation
The Income Generating Programme empowers the community by fostering ownership, building family capacity, and promoting the belief that a home is defined by love. Through training and exposure, we aim to equip residents, especially mothers, to become project ambassadors who support families and engage in peer support. By upskilling and empowering these local leaders, we inspire them to take action on community issues affecting child wellbeing, even independently.
Handcrafted Art Training
Finished Product Marketing
Collaboration with Kraftangan Malaysia

Transforming Communities Through Education
Building community cohesion and improving livelihoods begins with education that empowers the residents. We address key issues or needs such as literacy, vocational skills and financial literacy. Workshops on conflict resolution, teamwork and communication help foster unity and shared goals.
The primary objectives of Suriana's programmes and initiatives are as follows:
To Improve the Quality of Life for Children
Providing them with the opportunity to Grow and Develop in an environment that is Safe and Healthy
To Break the Cycle of Abject Poverty
To Build a Spirit of Unity amongst all residents and to Create a Caring Community - 3Cs
To Address the Degradation of Moral Values
amongst Youths and Reduce Crime Rates

PAL Center
PPR Desa Mentari, PJS 5
PPR Taman Desaria, PJS 5
Bright Beginnings
PPR Kg. Muhibbah, Off Jalan Puchong

Play and Learn Center
A safe zone for children, especially those back from school and are left alone while their parent(s) are at work. These children, if left to be on their own, are likely to be exposed to many social ills prevalent in Desa Mentari and its surrounding neighbourhood. More than 50 children attend PAL Center, 5 days a week.
Program Mechanism & Goals
• 'Learning through Play'
• Develop Good Social Interaction Skills
• Nurture Manners and Confidence
Suriana Education Center
Taman Desaria has a unique set of challenges due to existing neglect. The area suffers from poor sanitation, an unhygienic environment and is “home” to stray dogs. Suriana Education Centre (S.E.C.) was set up with the aim to provide free tuition for children from primary to secondary school. An average of 40 students attend S.E.C., 6 days a week.
Subjects taught are:
• English with emphasis on reading
• Mathematics
• STEM & STEAM modules
• Bahasa Malaysia
Bright Beginnings
Kg. Muhibbah is home to numerous young families facing severe economic hardship, struggling to provide their young children aged 0-6 years old with the basic necessities for a healthy and dignified life. Themed “Bright Beginnings”, it was set up to aspire a lasting impact by providing the following core components:
• Early Development Programme
offers children opportunities to develop crucial skills by providing support and guidance while allowing children to explore, discover and learn in a playful and engaging environment.
• Education for Parents
Community Outreach Programmes to educate parents about the importance of Early Childhood Development