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What is a USANA Garden Tower?
Garden Towers are a simple, powerful solution that provides sustainable, nutritious food for people all over the world. Made from a long-lasting, durable material, each tower can hold up to 120 plants and be harvested for many years.

The spirit of this initiative is to put an end to malnutrition for good. Creating a hands-on humanitarian experience runs as the focus in indigenous areas and urban apartments (with limited space) that Suriana serves.
Objective: Providing self-cultivated vegetation via Garden Towers.
Through volunteer support, Suriana will be able to expand this initiative to impact more communities that are in need.

There are currently four (4) active project sites that have assisted the communities living in the surrounding villages. These sites are located in Kg. Tekir, Labu and Pedas in the state of Negeri Sembilan.
Approximately three hundred and fifty (350) families, which have an average of five (5) members in each family have been impacted by this initiative. Almost seven hundred (700) meals have been made to support these families.

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